Sciante blogs



Do you know the ROAO of your application landscape?

Application optimization may sound like a technical term, but in essence it's something really simple: improving the digital tools we use every day. The goal? A supple, fast and less frustrating work experience for everyone in the organization. And ... saving cost. Because that last point ... gets...

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Why your IT is a silent murderer of work pleasure

The work pleasure of your employees can degrade without you being aware of it. Caused by slow and unresponsive IT systems. Read about a real world case in this blog and find out how you can be in control again.

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If your IT does not scale with your business your (business) growth will stall.

Als je IT niet mee schaalt met je bedrijf dan loopt de begroei van je bedrijf vast. Alleen maar meer kopen helpt niet, je moet anders gaan werken. Ontdek welke risico's je loopt en hoe je ze mitigeert in dit blog.

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How your website makes sales and conversion explode ... for your competition!

Slow websites make your competition happy. Visitors leave your website and got to them. Read about some real world examples and how to make your own sales and conversion explode instead of someone else's.

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Flames through the roof

Eye opener: developers spend more than half their time fixing performance issues instead of innovating

A recent survey by Cisco shows developers spend 57% of their time finding and fixing performance issues instead of innovating that lets your cash register sing. You can innovate at least twice as fast if you unburden your developers from the finding part.

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APM tooling digital service

Is your APM tooling bringing you value?

APM is complicated tooling, as complicated as the cockpit of a modern airliner. If you book a flight to New York and after take-off the pilot points ‘that way is New York, you’ll manage, won’t you’, puts you in the cockpit and parachutes out, how likely are you to successfully reach New York? That’s...

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Best practices for SQL performance management

How IPv6 can reduce your management costs and increase network speed

Do you know how many tricks you use to keep your network alive? Most likely more than you need. At least, if you're still relying on IPv4, your costs are likely much too high. Most organizations, regrettably, are still tethered to IPv4. Which requires tricks, with names like SD-WAN, NAT, PAT, and...

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Green IT optimization

Low hanging fruit in green IT

Incorporating eco-friendly IT solutions is no longer a mere choice but a necessity. Did you know that most server farms use an excessive amount of energy? Companies can potentially reduce more than half of their energy expenses related to IT infrastructure. Your IT can become much more sustainable...

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Tired of waiting for your information?

Tired of waiting for your information?

Your company's reports are built to handle a lot of outputs, a lot of selections and a lot of different cases. That makes them very flexible. It also makes them very slow.

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